Stroke Recovery

Neuron is a specialized home care service to optimize recovery after concussion, stroke or brain injury in Edmonton, Alberta
Expert rehabilitation and stroke recovery therapies to improve recovery time after stroke in Edmonton, Alberta

. Did you know . . ..

Canadian Stroke Best Practices encourage early and intensive rehabilitation after a stroke.
Timeline for recovery after stroke - recommended care and treatments for stroke in first six months.
Image Source: Bernhardt et al. (2017)

However, while post-stroke recovery is enhanced by early access to rehabilitative care, there is often hope for improving brain function many months (and sometimes years) after a stroke. It often helps to develop a home rehabilitation plan with our stroke therapist.

We appreciate the importance of comprehensive post-stroke care, and we’re here to offer timely care to you or your family member – either online or in the comfort of your home.

Our program lead, Adam Henley, is a Registered Nurse with additional training in neurological rehabilitation and in-home stroke care. Through this program, comprehensive rehabilitation services (including dietary coaching and home exercise) are available to Edmonton residents.

We provide well-rounded stroke therapies and stroke rehabilitation services, ensuring access to quality rehabilitative care, chronic disease management and neuropsychological care. Access to evidence-based stroke treatment is known to enhance stroke recovery.

In-home stroke therapy could reduce stroke recovery times.

Intensive rehabilitative support can improve reduce time to recover after stroke.

But, how do you access care when you can no longer drive to appointments? Stroke recovery therapy with a specially trained Registered Nurse (RN) may provide the answer.

Successful treatment of post-stroke symptoms often requires several follow-up visits. It takes time to treat the loss of speech, swallowing deficits and partial paralysis that can accompany stroke.

Across multiple studies, innovative treatments for stroke have helped reduce the time it takes to recover after stroke.

We achieve post-stroke recovery by first assessing “the work” required to live a good life. Symptom-focused therapy helps our patients stay motivated and helps us understand barriers to a full recovery after stroke.

Effective post-stroke care includes psychological support.

Improved symptom control also helps improve quality of life in the community.

Post-stroke pain, right-sided paralysis and difficulty speaking are just some of the symptoms we help treat in the community.

Through treatment of symptoms, we know that symptom control is easier when people feel supported in managing the many emotions that accompany loss.

That is why our staff are trained to provide psychosocial rehabilitation to patients (and their caregivers) as a routine part of post-stroke care.

Protecting your mental health is just a small part of what we do. In fact, we see tremendous clinical benefit from offering this service proactively to all patients recovering from stroke alongside their family.

Life can get better after a stroke.

Our specialized nursing services after stroke include support with:

  • Functional exercise & nutrition
  • Speech and swallowing exercises
  • Chronic disease management
  • Cognitive rehabilitation
  • Psychological support
  • On-call nursing care
  • Case conferencing with physician
  • Care coordination & referrals
Don’t miss your opportunity for stroke recovery.

* See Schedule of Health Service Fees for an itemized list of nursing fees

If you require immediate medical attention, please call 9 1 1 or go to your nearest Emergency Department.

Summary for Health Professionals

Our community nursing program for stroke recovery
Provides community nursing support to Edmonton residents recovering from stroke.
Helps improve the capacity to independently complete daily tasks (BADLs) after stroke.
Helps control neurological, psychiatric, and physical symptoms that often delay or limit post-stroke recovery.
Helps reduce frailty after stroke.
Provides intensive rehabilitation support and symptom-based care.

This community-based nursing program supports rehabilitation after stroke in Edmonton, Alberta. In fact, our program helps improve brain health with rehabilitative care strategies that complement usual care. We focus primarily on improving health-related Quality of Life (HR-QoL) using a capacity coaching approach. In turn, community nursing services can improve self-efficacy and expedite your patient’s return to life and/or work.

Our community nursing services are built around your patient’s financial resources. We typically seek direct coverage for nursing services via provincial and private health insurance plans. Our clinical team also closely collaborates with primary care and specialty teams to deliver evidence-based nursing care in the community. In this way, our stroke recovery therapies can help reduce health-system utilization and improve recovery after stroke.

Evidence-based therapies form an important part of our care. We frequently address health-system gaps and improve access to stroke rehabilitation services in Edmonton. This specialized program also provides cognitive, functional, and psychosocial rehabilitation to complement a patient’s existing treatment for stroke.

Limitations & Exclusions

We do not provide emergency care. If your patient is experiencing any sudden or unexpected neurological change, please do not refer them to a community nursing program. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) should be activated for any urgent neurological concerns, or the patient immediately referred to their closest Emergency Department.

Unique Features & Benefits
  • We provide symptom-based care for recovery after stroke.
  • We developed a specialized program to help patients recover from stroke in the community.
  • We identify what is possible for stroke rehabilitation using evidence-based strategies.
  • We work closely with other health professionals and community health services to mobilize the best possible team to enhance recovery after stroke.

Have questions?

Why not call our clinical team to discuss how you are living after stroke? Get in touch when you need help, and let us look into options for stroke rehabilitation in Edmonton, Alberta.

Other care options are also available in the Edmonton area.

There are other options for stroke recovery in Edmonton. In many cases, other services could be a better fit for your particular health needs.

Other care options in Edmonton include: *

AHS Continuing Care Access provides access to publicly funded home care in the Edmonton area.

Health Link Alberta (811) provides free navigation, health advice and referral to provincial health services.

Brain Care Centre provides community and social support to Edmonton residents after a stroke.

* provides links to external providers to help Edmonton residents select the best possible service for their health condition and is not affiliated with them.