A cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) worksheet entitled “The Leftovers”, to organize health goals based on our own readiness for change.
Category Archives: Chronic Disease & Prevention
How Brain Inflammation Might Impact Stroke Recovery
After a stroke, one barrier to recovery is chronic brain inflammation that continues past the first month of a stroke. This is known as neuroinflammation.
Did Anyone Assess your Legs After Your Stroke?
Lower leg assessments are one type of health assessment that can be placed on hold after a stroke. This post highlights the vital importance of lower leg assessments after a stroke.
Creating a Pain Map
Research has shown that the brain’s ability to localize pain (essentially, its pain map) is constantly changing. This shifting pattern of pain can let patients alter their default “pain maps” through visualization,
Who Broke Quarantine?
Almost two years ago, the world was shocked by news reports emerging from Wuhan, China. The international community did not yet believe that SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) would spread beyond China’s borders. Even then, the images of people dying alone in field hospitals were horrifying. The world continued with normal life for a few months, quarantining anyContinueContinue reading “Who Broke Quarantine?”
Speaking to the Unvaccinated: Part 2 — Ideology
Telling people they should get vaccinated just doesn’t seem to work. So, what does? A mini-blog post on how ideology may shape perspectives on vaccination.
Speaking to the Unvaccinated: Part I — Autonomy
Telling people they should get vaccinated just doesn’t seem to work. So, what does? An article on promoting autonomy when getting vaccinated.
Can stress cause Type 2 Diabetes to progress?
How exactly is the progression of Type 2 Diabetes linked to chronic stress, inflammation and diabetes? In order to sustain higher blood sugars in times of stress, our stress hormones also alter normal glucose metabolism.
The ‘Blink 182’ Method for Dry Eyes
Blinking is perhaps the most underappreciated cure for dry eye disease… here’s why.
Keto vs. Vegan: Understanding the Modern Diet War
Although both Keto and Vegan diets are difficult to sustain, they are growing in popularity. Both diets are associated with weight loss, but which one is better?